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Using Vue Plugins

This page provides an overview of the currently supported Vue plugins that work with NativeScript-Vue.

Vue Router

Currently, integration with Vue Router is unsupported. Until the team resolves the issue, please use manual routing.


Pinia is a state management pattern and library. It serves as a store for all the components in an app and implements rules to ensure that state is mutated in a predictable fashion.

Install the plugin

Install Pinia as you would normally in your Vue.js app. With npm, for example:

npm install --save pinia

The most recent version of Pinia will be added to your package.json.

Import the plugin

Open your app entry file (likely app.js, main.js or app.ts) and add the following line at the top:

import {createPinia} from "pinia";
const pinia = createPinia();

Now you can use Pinia to manage the state of your mobile app, similar to how you would use it in a standard Vue web app.

Usage: Create a store

You need to create a new constant to store your state and invoke Pinia API calls. You can do that in the app entry file after the creation of the Vue instance or in a separate folder (for example, /store).

In the following example, a simple store constant includes the state of a counter and tracks its changes:

import { defineStore } from "pinia";
export const counterStore = defineStore('counter', {
 state: () => ({
  count: 0,
 actions: {
  increment() {
  decrement() {

Usage: Use the store

Now you can manage state by calling the store you just created. In the following example, the app tracks the count value as you press a '+' or '-' button. Note that you don't manipulate the state itself, but call actions to increment and decrement its value.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed } from 'nativescript-vue';
import { counterStore } from '~/store/counter';
import { StackLayout } from '@nativescript/core';

const store = counterStore();

const count = computed(() => store.count);


        <Button @tap="store.increment()" text="+" />
        <Button @tap="store.decrement()" text="-" />
        <Label :text="count" />

For more information about Pinia, see the Pinia documentation.

HMR Support

For HMR support please take a look at this article from Vladyslav Piskunov Implementing Hot Module Reload (HMR) for Pinia in NativeScript-Vue with Webpack 5

Released under the MIT License.