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Layout container for dynamically layering views with a programmatic API.

The official documentation for RootLayout is here, but in NativeScript-Vue it will not work with Vue components since RootLayout expects a NativeScript view and a Vue component is a node and not a NativeScript view.

This documentation explains how to create a NativeScript view from a Vue component in Nativescript View, but this section presents a typical case for use with RootLayout.

  1. Add the RootLayout view to your application. Reference.
  2. Create NativeScript view from a Vue component using createNativeView and open RootLayout.
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { createNativeView } from "nativescript-vue"
import { getRootLayout } from "@nativescript/core"
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.vue"

function showRootLayout(){
  const node = createNativeView(MyComponent, {
    props: {
      foo: "bar",
        // can listen to events launched via `emit`. In this example: `emit("change")`
    .open(node.nativeView, {
      animation: {...},


  <Button @tap="showRootLayout" text="Show RootLayout" />

Released under the MIT License.