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Manual Routing

The easiest way to implement routing in NativeScript-Vue is to use any of the following convenience functions:

For more complex navigation scenarios, you can use multiple <Frame> components and a navigation-specific component:

Basic navigation concepts

The navigation elements that NativeScript relies on are Frame and Page.

  • Frame. It is the main navigation element, it can have one or N depending on the design of the application. It is important that this element is declared before the Page.
  • Page. These are the elements that Frame will navigate between.

A basic application structure for browsing is as follows.

// App.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
import Detail from "./Detail.vue"

            <Button text="Navigate to Detail Page" @tap="$navigateTo(Detail)" />

Note that in the App.vue component Frame is declared and inside it has a Page. When the user presses the button they will navigate to the Detail component.

// Detail.vue
          <Label text="Navigation to Detail component completed" />

As you can see, the Detail component does not have the Frame element but it does have the Page component, this is because NativeScript will use the Frame element declared in App.vue to navigate to the Detail component page.

This is just a basic but useful example to understand how navigation works in NativeScript.

View Navigation

Use $navigateTo in the view or in a method.

In the view

In the Master component, use a data property to expose the Detail component. Invoke $navigateTo(<propertyName>) in the view directly.

// Master.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
import Detail from "./Detail.vue"

        <ActionBar title="Master" />
            <Button text="To Detail directly" @tap="$navigateTo(Detail)" />

In a method

Bind a button to a method and use $navigateTo(Detail) to navigate to the Detail component.

// Master.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { $navigateTo } from "nativescript-vue"
import Detail from "./Detail.vue"

function goToDetailPage(){

        <ActionBar title="Master" />
            <Button text="To Detail directly" @tap="goToDetailPage" />

Passing props to the target component

Pass a props object to be used when instantiating the target component.

$navigateTo(Detail, {
  props: {
    foo: 'bar',

Listen emit from te target component

Pass listener properties prefixed with on to listen to your emit events from the target.

// Master.vue
$navigateTo(Detail, {
  props: {
      // logic here
// Detail.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
const emit = defineEmits(["change"])

function goToDetailPage(){
  emit("change", { foo: "bar" })

For more information about the options that you can pass, see NavigationEntry.

Specifying a transition

You can use any of the built-in transitions:

  • curl (same as curlUp) (iOS only)
  • curlUp (iOS only)
  • curlDown (iOS only)
  • explode (Android Lollipop(21) and up only)
  • fade
  • flip (same as flipRight)
  • flipRight
  • flipLeft
  • slide (same as slideLeft)
  • slideLeft
  • slideRight
  • slideTop
  • slideBottom

For example:

$navigateTo(Detail, {
  transition: {
    name: "slideLeft",
    duration: 300,
    curve: "easeIn"
  transitioniOS: {},
  transitionAndroid: {},

Each <Frame> element has its own navigation stack. If you are using multiple frames, you may want to specify in which frame the navigation will occur. For example, having a button in the side bar that changes the page in the main area. You can do this by adding the frame option:

$navigateTo(SomeComp, {
  frame: '<id, or ref, or instance>'

The value for the frame option can be one of the following:

  • the id of the <Frame> component (for example: <Frame id="main-frame">)
  • the ref for the <Frame> (for example: <Frame ref="mainFrame">)
  • the <Frame> instance itself

In the Detail component, add a button that triggers the globally exposed $navigateBack function.

        <ActionBar title="Detail" />
          <Button text="Back to Master" @tap="$navigateBack" />

Use $showModal to show the Detail page modally. This function behaves similarly to $navigateTo.

To close the modal, call $modal.close.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { $showModal } from "nativescript-vue"
import Detail from "./Detail.vue"

function showDetailPageModally(){

        <ActionBar title="Master" />
            <Button text="Show Detail modally" @tap="showDetailPageModally" />
// Detail.vue
        <ActionBar title="Detail" />
            <Button @tap="$modal.close" text="Close" />

Note: We've wrapped the Detail page in a <Frame> element, which allows us to show the <ActionBar> as well as navigate further within the modal.

Passing props to the modal

$showModal accepts a second parameter. You can use the parameter to pass in a props object to the target component. For example:

$showModal(Detail, { props: { id: 14 }});

Forcing the modal to be fullscreen

This option only takes effect on Android, as iOS modals are always fullscreen.

$showModal(Detail, { fullscreen: true, props: { id: 14 }});

Returning data from the modal

When calling $showModal, a promise is returned which resolves with any data passed to the $modal.close function.

In the following example, closing the modal outputs 'Foo' in the console.

// ... inside Master
$showModal(Detail, { 
 closeCallback(data, ...args) {
    // data type is any
    // args type is any[]
<!-- inside Detail -->
<Button @tap="$modal.close('Foo')" text="Close" />

Released under the MIT License.