
This is an overview of the most common usage of StackLayout. For more information about the available properties, methods, or events, head over to the complete API documentation for StackLayout.

<StackLayout> is a layout container that lets you stack the child elements vertically (default) or horizontally.


Default stacking

The following example creates a vertical stack of 3 equally-sized elements. Items are stretched to cover the entire width of the screen. Items are placed in the order they were declared in.

<StackLayout backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="first" height="70" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="second" height="70" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="third" height="70" backgroundColor="#1c6b48"/>

Horizontal stacking

The following example creates a horizontal stack of 3 equally-sized elements. Items are stretched to cover the entire height of the screen. Items are placed in the order they were declared in.

<StackLayout orientation="horizontal" backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="first" width="70" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="second" width="70" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="third" width="70" backgroundColor="#1c6b48"/>

Stack layout with horizontally aligned children

The following example creates a diagonal stack of items with responsive sizes. Items are vertically stacked.

<StackLayout backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="left" horizontalAlignment="left"
         width="33%" height="70" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="center" horizontalAlignment="center"
         width="33%" height="70" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="right" horizontalAlignment="right"
         width="33%" height="70" backgroundColor="#1c6b48"/>
  <Label text="stretch" horizontalAlignment="stretch"
         height="70" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>

Horizontal stack layout with vertically aligned children

The following example creates a diagonal stack of items with responsive sizes. Items are horizontally stacked.

<StackLayout orientation="horizontal" backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="top" verticalAlignment="top"
         width="70" height="33%" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="center" verticalAlignment="center"
         width="70" height="33%" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="bottom" verticalAlignment="bottom"
         width="70" height="33%" backgroundColor="#1c6b48"/>
  <Label text="stretch" verticalAlignment="stretch"
         width="70" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>


orientationStringSpecifies the stacking direction.
Valid values: vertical and horizontal.
Default value: vertical.

Additional children props

