
This is an overview of the most common usage of DockLayout. For more information about the available properties, methods, or events, head over to the complete API documentation for DockLayout.

<DockLayout> is a layout container that lets you dock child elements to the sides or the center of the layout.

<DockLayout> has the following behavior:

  • Uses the dock property to dock its children to the left, right, top, bottom or center of the layout.
    To dock a child element to the center, it must be the last child of the container and you must set the stretchLastChild property of the parent to true.
  • Enforces layout constraints to its children.
  • Resizes its children at runtime when its size changes.


Dock to every side without stretching the last child

The following example creates a frame-like layout consisting of 4 elements, position at the 4 edges of the screen.

<DockLayout stretchLastChild="false" backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="left" dock="left" width="40" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="top" dock="top" height="40" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="right" dock="right" width="40" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="bottom" dock="bottom" height="40" backgroundColor="#289062"/>

Dock to every side and stretch the last child

The following example shows how stretchLastChild affects the positioning of child elements in a DockLayout container. The last child (bottom) is stretched to take up all the remaining space after positioning the first three elements.

<DockLayout stretchLastChild="true" backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="left" dock="left" width="40" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="top" dock="top" height="40" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="right" dock="right" width="40" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="bottom" dock="bottom" backgroundColor="#1c6b48"/>

Dock to every side and the center

The following example creates a <DockLayout> of 5 elements. The first four wrap the center element in a frame.

<DockLayout stretchLastChild="true" backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="left" dock="left" width="40" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="top" dock="top" height="40" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="right" dock="right" width="40" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="bottom" dock="bottom" height="40" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="center" backgroundColor="#1c6b48" />

Dock multiple children to the same side

The following example creates a single line of 4 elements that stretch across the entire height and width of the screen.

<DockLayout stretchLastChild="true" backgroundColor="#3c495e">
  <Label text="left 1" dock="left" width="40" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>
  <Label text="left 2" dock="left" width="40" backgroundColor="#289062"/>
  <Label text="left 3" dock="left" width="40" backgroundColor="#1c6b48"/>
  <Label text="last child" backgroundColor="#43b883"/>


stretchLastChildBooleanEnables or disables stretching the last child to fit the remaining space.

Additional children props

When an element is a direct child of <DockLayout>, you can work with the following additional properties.

dockStringSpecifies which side to dock the element to.
Valid values: top, right, bottom, or left.