
This is an overview of the most common usage of Label. For more information about the available properties, methods, or events, head over to the complete API documentation for Label.

<Label> is a UI component that displays read-only text.

IMPORTANT: This <Label> is not the same as the HTML <label>.

<Label text="Label" />

Styling the label

If you need to style parts of the text, you can use a combination of a FormattedString and Span elements.

<Label textWrap="true">
    <Span text="This text has a " />
    <Span text="red " style="color: red" />
    <Span text="piece of text. " />
    <Span text="Also, this bit is italic, " fontStyle="italic" />
    <Span text="and this bit is bold." fontWeight="bold" />


textStringGets or sets the text of the label.
textWrapBooleanGets or sets whether the label wraps text.
Default value: false.

Native component
